Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Plastic Waste Recycling

In our daily life, we often use more plastic bags and containers. Plastic wastes are the main cause of water and soil pollution. Plastic waste recycling provides one of the best solutions to the increased plastic waste in the environment. It is the process of turning the waste plastics into renewable energy. Plastic recycling is complex in nature. Plastic recycling industries can face a large number of unique challenges. The following principles should be followed while plastic recycling:

1. Before recycling, don't mix the different types of plastics.

2. Plastics of different polymer structures and resin composition are identified by using standard codes on the basis of their melting and crushing capacity.

3. Plastic materials identified under a particular code can be mixed and recycled with other plastics of the same code.

4. Plastic materials consist of a few dyes, fillers, and additives, which are not easily recyclable.

At Polymer Energy, LLC., the plastic wastes are converted into crude oil. The Polymer Energy system handles plastic that is contaminated with other kinds of waste materials such as metals, glass, water, etc., They processed such waste into this system and obtain a high grade crude oil. The oil is again refined by some purificatory systems and finally used for electric generation turbines. For further details, please contact here.


Plastic Waste Conversion

Plastic is an extremely light-weight and versatile material which serves us many in our daily life. The problems arise when we want to dispose of plastic. The plastic wastes are so harmful to living beings since they are not decomposed easily. By recycling such wastes we can avoid such a harmful distractions.

Polymer Energy LLC., is a company doing the plastic waste recycling process, the plastic waste into energy. It is a collobaration of Northern Technologies International Corporation, a leading materials science company. They uses catalytic pyrolysis technique to efficiently convert plastics into crude oil.
